

Contact Info

Moonshine St. 14/05
Light City, London
00 (123) 456 78 90

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About Us

The history of JENGAN LLC business dates back to the early nineteen-fifties when Dubai was emerging as a maritime trade centre of Middle East. In 1963, late Ibrahim Jengan started his business in Dubai.

Responding to the emergent market-demands, JENGAN oriented its business to engineering goods mainly stationary diesel engines, pump sets, generators and its parts and related accessories. Over the years portable agricultural and construction related equipment and machinery were also added to the product line. In tune with the changing times around, JENGAN shed its image as a trader and emerged as an engineering solution provider in its chosen fields which are broadly divisionalized into four: Construction, Agriculture & Project Engineering Services and Power Division.

Vision & Mission

"It is our vision to be among the modern, advanced and leading professional organizations in the region. We aim to be the leader in providing highest quality products and best services to the fields of construction, agriculture and pumping systems. And internally it is our goal to create and maintain a culture of high satisfaction and excitement to our people."

"We aim to serve our customers beyond their expectations, and offer them unparalleled service. We encourage the best business practices and work to create the finest environment for our people. As a family, we are determined to strive for a better region."

– Abdullah Jengan, Managing Director